Thursday, March 22, 2007

I Can See Us Holding Hands.

I'm jealous of those traveling out of state for their spring break. Where is Atira going? 15 minutes away from her home, working. I don't resent it, but I hate how my life is planned out for like 4 years and I don't have any time to take really fun trips.

Nor do I have the money since college is soooooooooo expensive.

I thought my schedule for next term was perfect (starting at 8 am to 11:50 am) but now I'm starting to think not. It would be more perfect if other people had the same type of schedule, but it seems that most people have theirs during the day. I guess I could do hw... but that's pretty boring...

Have you ever cried hysterically due to:
*Boy Drama*
*A Bad Grade*
*A Fight With A Friend*
*Having A Bad Hair Day*

Well let me tell you something: You are a bitch.

I saw Hotel Rwanda yesterday, and our problems are a blessing. How does one ever get the mentality to chop someone with a machety?

What's sad is that I don't think I could ever become an aid worker. Not because of what you are thinking: because I am not white. I don't think the people doing the genocide would know immediatley that I was an American citizen so they would just kill me. But I suppose death shouldn't scare me cause we will all die anyway. Might as well die for a cause. I definitley want to volunteer/or donate money to an organization but I don't know which one.

Thursday, March 15, 2007

what is normal?

Nobody realizes that some people expend tremendous energy merely to be normal. --Albert Camus

I'm one of those people.
They say be yourself but then judge you when you are different. I'm sure a lot of people try not to judge but everyone does. We can't be accepted by everyone but as Veronica said, there is always at least ONE who does without judgement. Then again, one is a lonely number.

Some abnormal people on campus:

The guy that wears a skirt

The guy with a bump on his head who is annoying because he always has something to say in class which of course turns out to be something that makes him look smart.

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

I Can't Decide Whether You Should Live Or Die.


i truly disgust myself:
when i sit around for hours and don't do any hw or study.
when i dont speak up for myself (which is rare, but it does happen)
when i wear sweats for like a week
when i can't let something go
when i don't make each day count

I am truly proud of myself:
when i don't fail anything
when i don't make my weight an issue
when i don't make school a priority but still maintain a healthy grade

the end for now.

Monday, March 12, 2007

Fear Factor

Eleanor Roosevelt said, "Do one thing every day that scares you."

I think I will attempt it myself. I think every one should try it. However, "scare" is open to interpretation. So is "do" and "every day."

I am sick for the first time in years. Who did this to me? ATIRA!!! I'm dying.
"Life is pleasant. Death is peaceful. It's the transition that's troublesome." --Isaac Asimov.
It's not that scary. I'm more bothered by the fact that Cookguy has a girlfriend.

Get Set..........................................

Is anyone else waiting for life to start??

Sunday, March 11, 2007

At Times...

don't you just feel like this?

but then somtimes you feel like this:

Don't worry ladybugs. We all feel you.


Joining the ranks

So this is my first blog ever. I've been invited to be a part of this blog. The PRESSURE!! But also honored.

Some random facts about myself:
i have a horrible memory
i love bread
i love ice cream
my obssessions are stuffed animals and earrings
i'm still not over cookguy (i know!)
i wear a jade bracelet that i haven't taken off for two years (it doesn't really come off. easily)
i like to make lists (and plan things)
i like quotes

I suppose i should put up a picture of me:

I don't really understand the idea of blogs. They're like journal entries that everyone can see, but if everyone can see them, they aren't really journal entires because journal entires are personal. People don't write blogs the way they would write in their journals. They are too conscious of the fact that anyone can see them.


Thursday, March 8, 2007

o rly?

Why are people so cruel to eachother sometimes?

speaking of which, Al Gore let himself GO.

My Rates
Donnie Darko= pretty good.
Jake Gyllenhall=pretty cute.
cook guy=over it!
my teachers teaching=bad.

I'm taking Galaxy and the Universe blah next term. Seriously, WTF?



Tuesday, March 6, 2007


spring is here bb's!!!!! im very excited. i cant wait to eat lunch outside and feel the sun on my shoulders.

Went to portland this past weekend for Love Actually. Semi amusing. I loved singing the songs. But people can only pray for so long, you know? I, unfortunately, did not eat a cheesy gordita crunch. YO QUIERO TACO BELL!

i tried to prepare my body for my bikini "i gotta get my bikini body!" but I didn't even wear a bikini!! fuck that!

Here's the crazy christian group:


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