Sunday, February 25, 2007

There Must Be Another Way, Cause I Believe In Taking Chances

I like to take walks around the neighborhoods. I like to reflect on my current life (as odd as that sounds) and I like to get extremely, excruciatingly depressed about it. I feel like I am looking for something when I am going on these walks. Sometimes, I feel like leaving. Like... going to another state, randomly.

Love Actually (christian conference) is this weekend and I don't know what I expect out of it. Maybe I just won't have expectations, so whatever happens, it exceeds my expectations (good job atira!)
... I like to refer to myself as third person.

You know, our bodies are not really who we are. It's just a form that gives us identity but it is not US.

GAH, what the hell is wrong with me!!!!!!!!! I used to care what I wear everyday. But now I look like trash. If I don't have fashion. I can't come to grips with anything.
I need to also be 85 pounds.

"pain is just a different feeling"-My stunt group


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