Monday, January 29, 2007

California Knows How To Party.

Sorry for the lack of updates. This weekend was supposed to be relaxin'!

So Friday: Went to go visit that one guy. Definitley not exciting, since the other 2 weren't there and I don't care that much about him. Me and V hung out with Jared and Rosa later that night. Talk, talk, talk. I definitley don't even remember friday. I think I took naps since I was tired? Maybe?

Saturday: I slept a lot. By the time I was all awake, me and the others had to go over to Jared's. Me and V had to clean up with our short outfits. But it's a lot better than cleaning up in drag! The night was only fun when we dancin.

Sunday: Went to the mall for a bit. What else is new?

We made a top 10 list to do in college, to be completed by the end of the year. Well, I think we have done none of it. BOO!

Here's some pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me, v, and emily had a dance party in my room. though emily wasn't dancing and we only had one song playing over and over.

Heres another picture!!!!!!!!!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

you need more content. and why were you still wearing your short outfits on saturday?

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