Wednesday, January 31, 2007

To Da Left To Da Left

Dilemma: What should you do when you want to do something so bad, just to satisfy your need to do it, but know that when you do it, you'll just get even more hooked? AHHH!

Danced tango tonight. Muy divertido.

& ghost hunted.

Has anyone ever tried a Ouiji board? Those thangs are freakyyy. I will never use one, even though I tried the online version like, 10 minutes ago. I asked it what my name is, and it said Ninwajp. WRONG.


Bye! <3


P.S. Yes, "tha pho3nix," Edmund and the turkish delight that I was referring to in my previous post is from Narnia. The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe to be exact :D

Let Me Whisper In Your Ear...

Who am I going to vote for in 2008?
Hillary Clinton?
Barak Obama?
John Edwards?

Why I like them:
Hillary: She has a ton of experience in politics already. She has a high approval rating as the senator of New York. Bill can help her. Blah.

Barak Obama: He is just a cool guy.

John Edwards: He's really cute.

Ah! The choices! But I'm a Republican... I think.

I'm an angry beaver right here:

Side note:
Ms. Ieong, this is a blog. Not english class. I do not need more content! thank you!

Monday, January 29, 2007

California Knows How To Party.

Sorry for the lack of updates. This weekend was supposed to be relaxin'!

So Friday: Went to go visit that one guy. Definitley not exciting, since the other 2 weren't there and I don't care that much about him. Me and V hung out with Jared and Rosa later that night. Talk, talk, talk. I definitley don't even remember friday. I think I took naps since I was tired? Maybe?

Saturday: I slept a lot. By the time I was all awake, me and the others had to go over to Jared's. Me and V had to clean up with our short outfits. But it's a lot better than cleaning up in drag! The night was only fun when we dancin.

Sunday: Went to the mall for a bit. What else is new?

We made a top 10 list to do in college, to be completed by the end of the year. Well, I think we have done none of it. BOO!

Here's some pictures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

me, v, and emily had a dance party in my room. though emily wasn't dancing and we only had one song playing over and over.

Heres another picture!!!!!!!!!

Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Uno Dos Tres.

So clearly, making a new blog entry is SO much more important than writing a paper.

Turkish delight sounded good before I knew what it really was. For some reason, I pictured it to be turkey... only better. Edmund has this brilliant way of wording it. Brownie points to anyone who knows what the hell I'm talking about.

I love the fact that I can get people to buy me a Whammy (delicious ice cream concoction) when I want one and bring it all the way to my dorm. Love people like that ;)

Cory Kennedy has the best life. I want to party all day long and have my picture taken like she does. Damn her.

<------MY BANGZ YO

I like taking pictures, but I need to get my own camera and take pictures when I actually have make-up on and look good lololol.

Jenn & Myself:

We're crazy whores!

That is all.

P.S. To "Anonymous:" I'm not the one that wants to be a nun. That would be Atira. I am Veronica.

Good day.

It's like I'm Not Me.

I saw that man's back and it was still hot. Maybe I won't get over him. It is pretty funny when we all get together and talk about him. But I want to not like anyone cause then I don't care for anything.

I find other very conservative christians very scary. They are too serious about life. They are not open minded whatsoever and they cannot accept the modern times. I have never met anyone like me who was a conservative christian. Maybe I am not christian enough?

Here's a bit of entertainment for you all:

Those are blue boobs. Not my own, but an alien's.

I hope this weekend is filled with sleeping. I am SO TIRED K?!

"Never be bullied into silence. Never allow yourself to be made a victim. Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself." Harvey Fierstein

Stop Paying Attention To Me.

I just spent about 3 hours resewing my dress. It's a bit too tight but whatever. I feel bad cause I used all of Sarah B's thread:( And I pricked myself with the needle so now I feel like I have a disease. I'm getting a headache. Oh dear!

So I am going to do some embarassing stuff soon. Very excited. I haven't been embarassed since that one incident with the "stop and turn" so yeah.

My plans for tomorrow:
Watch 24.
Watch Prison Break
Watch Desperate Housewives
Watch Grey's Anatomy
Convince the other two girls not to visit that guy
--then will probably go visit him for like 4 hours

I'm in love with 24. If you have never watched the show, well I feel sorry for you since it is so wonderful. I LOVE JACK BAUER!

Dude. I am gonna marry a politician. Then I will be first lady. And I will be a style icon.

I am going to be a nun!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I'd be the coolest nun everrrrr.

Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Our Time Is Almost Here

Organization is essential, people. I have not been organized so far this term, and it's driving me insane! I love lists, planners, and calendars.

I just now took the stickers that come with the laptop off, even though I've had it for 5 months now. Random!

Here is a poem that I saw on the MAX this past summer and wrote down. I like it.
I believe in the rule of opposites That the two sides of a coin are loss and greater loss That grief dribbles out of the bottle as effortlessly as joy And if you scoop up everything sad, your hands will discover the texture of hope.
- Jane Bailey

I want this outfit. Especially the shoes:

-Sienna Miller in Nylon

I want to start somewhere new. Where nobody knows my reputation, previous lifestyle and manner, etc.

Question: Are you everything you want to be? Or at least aspiring to be?
Answer: Not yet :o)

xoxo Veronica

Monday, January 22, 2007

We Aint Gonna Live Forever.

I made a resolution, or a goal if you will:
I will become more outspoken. More outgoing. More crazy.

So pretty much I will do what I want, say what I want. The worst that could happen is that your embarassed. So what. Who cares. Life moves on.

My goodness, I will even walk around nekkid if I want to! Which I probably won't want to, but you know what I mean!

I am far too quiet/sane for my liking.

I drew a picture of inanimate objects. Hurray!

PS. to answer Tha Pho3nix: because I am and I will do whatever I want! CAPEESH?

Listen Up Ya'll, Cause This Is It.

I'm going to transfer to a school in a big city where it's warm most of the time.

Probably Miami. Put my tango dancing to good use. Muy caliente!

Here is my passport:

How do you make eyelashes grow back? Mine look like this right now:

Tragic eyelash curling accident.

Warped Tour is on August 19th this year. WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THAT?

Major decision right now: Do homework or watch Mean Girls? Do what makes you happy.


Sunday, January 21, 2007

I'm Back By Popular Demand

Rumor has it that my posts have been missed.

I'm on my way to becoming famous. How? I've met many a famous person. I've got connections, baby.


Do you ever get the feeling that someone resents you? Or they're bitter towards you even when you haven't done anything directly to them to make them feel that way?

So, most people want to lose weight, right? Not I. I would like to gain it. I don't want to be "fat" by any means, but I'd like a little more meat on my bones. It's hard to gain weight though! I know, woe is me.

I'm temporarily happy because I went shopping yesterday. It was much needed. Although I still need to buy more dresses, skirts, heels, purses and... basically everything. I just can't get enough yo!

Is it Spring Break yet?

xoxo V

What Happened Here?

Today I ate at the Olive Garden for Emily's birthday. I felt incredibly emotionally drained so I really didn't feel like talking.

What happened: Emily was very upset at me and veronica for ignoring her the other day. But I explained that we just wanted to PRETEND we didn't know it was her birthday and surprise her. But yeah.. more awkwardness came, and I absolutley hate that kind of drama. It makes me very tired and feel like not talking.

I came to a conclusion while taking pictures there. Actually, I came to this conclusion long ago. I am insanely hideous! I applogize to anyone who had to look at me today. I looked very bizarre!

I need:
boob job?
teeth job
everything job

This is what I look like right now:

I need to look like this:

Don't I look 10x better?

I need to have my hair very long, or this short:

my new red pumps are quite fabulous.

I might make this blog mine only, since that other girl never posts. BYE!

My Ultimate Fantasy.

Do you want to know my ultimate fantasy?
.......To eat 2 krispy kreme donuts with dry turkey in the middle. Maybe with strawberry jelly thrown in there as well. You thought it was dirty didn't you!

Saturday, January 20, 2007

Bitch, Please.

I am one of those girls who wear ugg boots with shorts.

I am one of those girls who would rather dress up than study.

I am one of those girls who like to hide in a dryer if a killer is after them.

And lastly, I am one of those girls stands on tables with sunglasses on inside!

Don't hate. Participate.

Friday, January 19, 2007

The Pros & Cons of Online Shopping.

It's dissapointing to go shopping at the mall and not find anything you like except for 2 pairs of earrings. But they're great!

So, online shopping. It's convenient, easy and you don't have to get off of your ass.
However, you cannot try it on, can't see smaller details, and you have to pay shipping and handling.

I shall shop online nonetheless. High heels, skirts, and dresses are in high demand by moi. It needs to be Springtime RIGHT NOW.

Okay, so the whole "cook guy" thing is simmering down. Depressing, indeed.

Awkwardness is fun. But only if it's the good kind of awkward. And tonight was awkward. Yes, the good kind.

New pictures must be taken ASAP. :/


The Truth Shall Set You Free

I have given up on Him. Cold turkey. I don't even care anymore.
Shopping always consists of:

I shall not go shopping for the next 2 months.
I shall buy Fredericks of Hollywood shoes following those 2 months.
I shall commit the 7 deadly sins within the next year.
I shall never take pictures like this:

Thank you and goodnight!

Thursday, January 18, 2007

I Despise Bad Boys.

Bad boys are no good for the following reasons:
They cheat.
They steal.
They break your heart.

I do not like them. Thus, when upon hearing that the guy I sorta liked is kind of a bad boy, I immediatley stopped.

Good boys:
Open doors.
Are faithful.
Are sweet.
Are cute.

My jazz teacher is so fabulous. He is "sassy" as he likes to put it. He dances in front of the mirror at home to see his outfits. He gets SASSY!

I like really skinny, pale, tall, grotesque looking men. So please become that!
Men should always do the following:
Wear cologne.
Dress stylish, but NOT popping the collar.
Wear good shoes.
Call you "miss" if you are a stranger to them.
Hide smiles.
Be hysterical.

I won't lie, I miss wearing my skirts with heels:

oh the picture is too small for you to see it thoroughly. Sorry!

Ill just post random OLD PICS CAUSE pictures are fun!

Fashion advice for the day: Do not wear Uggs OVER your pants. Okay?

the meaning of life (in a nutshell)

correct me if i'm wrong (which i never am :)

college is making me dumber. college is overrated. college is expensive.
but hey, it's another step on the long road of life...

you know, some nice greasy french fries sounds so good right now. here is a comment initiator: what is better, McDonalds or Burger King?

- V

Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Hello Kind Sir

Am I the only one who has not studied since the beginning of Winter term? Probably.

So today, whilst taking my keys out of my purse, the lanyard latched onto my sunglasses and pulled them out, resulting in my sunglasses crashing to the floor, and knocking out one of the lenses. Outrageous.

Other events of 1/17/07:
♥ We stared at "cook guy" again.
♥ I bought a bag of potatoes, butter, and yogurt at Market of Choice.
♥ Took some uppers (j/k).
♥ Avoided certain people.
♥ Contemplated life.

Miss Julie and myself. ^

I must go shopping this weekend, or my brain will explode.

Cheerio, dahlings.

xoxo V

Emily Moreno's Most Embarassing Moment.

I have a story to tell you readers.
Emily, my friend back in Georgia, Veronica and I were volunteering for a Nike Run Hit Wonder. Randy Jackson was the special guest.
We wanted to meet him, so we stand by the stairs as he comes down. Nobody is willing to call out his name, so I finally say, "Hey Randy!" He shakes my hand. He shakes Veronica's. However, when Emily pulled out her hand, he does not shake it. Because by that time, the moment has passed.
Here is a picture:

I thought that I could share this with you folks because: Dreams can come true.
Which in turn has nothing to do with the previous story.
Here is a picture of us two, please excuse the glasses as they were acting up that day:

I guess this picture is slightly better:

She has a red-headed boyfriend. The end.

Tuesday, January 16, 2007

Now Read Carefully Cause This Concerns YOU

Please don't:
smoke while walking.
wear alligator clogs.
sit at my spot outside hammys.

Please continue to:
fake tan.
waste your time.
wear deodorant.

Well. Well. Well. I have discovered that I can now go until 6:30 and not eat and drink a single thing all day. Horrible!
I haven't dressed cute in so long, I have the winter blues. The definition of the winter blues is:
Noun. {Weenter Bloose}: Not being able to wear cute clothes or heels for 2 months. Person will feel depressed during this time.
Let me draw you a picture:

I used to look like this:

But now I look like this:

I will leave you with a quote from Tiana:

"What is that stick?"


young hearts be free tonight

what color should i paint my nails?

getting up at 5 o' clock AM is horrid. especially for a non-morning person like myself.

okay, so i don't care what anyone thinks; i love paris hilton! she is fabulous. i love her dress in this picture:

and, you know, she's rocking the no-boob, big-feet thing. you go girl!

anybody watch the golden globes? i didn't. but i shall be watching american idol tonight.

xoxo Veronica

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